Introduction / Carolyn Jess-Cooke and Constantine Verevis
Re-defining the sequel : the case of the (living) dead / Constantine Verevis
Of "true" sequels : The four daughters movies, or the series that wasn't / Jennifer Forrest
Sequel-ready fiction : after Austen's happily ever after / Thomas Leitch
Before and after, before before and after : Godfather I, II, and III / R. Barton Palmer
Sequelizing Hollywood : the American "smart" film / Claire Perkins
From remake to sequel : Ocean's eleven and Ocean's twelve / Joyce Goggin
Decent burial or miraculous resurrection : serenity, mourning, and sequels to dead television shows / Ina Rae Hark
Prequel : the "afterwardsness" of the sequel / Paul Sutton
Circulations : technology and discourse in The ring intertext / Daniel Herbert
Sequelizing the superhero : postmillennial anxiety and cultural "need" / Simon McEnteggart
Before and after and right now : sequels in the digital era / Nicholas Rombes
Sequelizing spectatorship and building up the kingdom : the case of Pirates of the Caribbean, or, how a theme park attraction spawned a multibillion-dollar film franchise / Carolyn Jess-Cooke.