Adam Smith, the philosopher and the porter / Andrew Skinner
Vision and analysis in the history of economic thought / Robert Heilbroner
Interpretation and representation in the discourse of economics / Rema Rossini Favretti
Hume: a reassessment / Sheila C. Dow
Adam Smith's two views of the market / Jeffrey T. Young
The moral micro-foundations of Adam Smith's concept of industry / Roberto Censolo
Division of labour, wealth and behaviour in Adam Smith / Amos Witztum
From the 'standards of behaviour' to the 'theory of social situations': a contribution of game theory to the understanding os institutions / Christian Schmidt
Oskar Morgenstern and the origin of the game-theoretic approach to institutional economics / Nicola Giocoli.
Comparing two urban industrial districts: Bologna and Lyon in the early modern period / Carlo Poni
Individuals, public institutions and knowledge: Hayek and Keynes / Anna Carabelli, Nicolo De Vecchi
Notes on institutions, political economy and economics / Heinrich Bortis
Formation and development of commercial society in the economics of James Steuart / Dominique Caboret
Division of labour and money: some comments on Steuart, Smith and their legacy / Jean Cartelier
Asymmetrical relation between personal incentives and the division of labour in Smith's stadial perspective / Stefano Fiori, Enzo Pesciarelli
Division of land and the division of labour, analogies and differences between ancient and modern times in Adam Smith's thought / Gloria Vivenza.